In Ears – December 2017

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Monthly reviews for December 2017 include: Diablo Swing Orchestra, Ulver, Robert Plant, King In The Belly and David Bowie.


Diablo Swing Orchestra – Pacifisticuffs

Being ahead of its time is one thing, but keeping the tempo, is something different. That’s a challenge faced by Swedish avant-garde metal formation Diablo Swing Orchestra, which invaded the market at the beginning of the century with their unique combination of metal, swing and many other elements. On the other hand, insane speed cannot be kept forever and their fourth album Pacifisticuffs was getting born in rough conditions including a replacement of the singer. Not only because of the respect to her range and long writing process, it’s more than natural, the band was not aiming for wild experiments and creation of unique genre worlds, as they used to. Their philosophy was writing challenging, yet simpler and catchy songs, where ingredients as disco, country or Balkan music were rather a decent enhancement. Well cooked.

Interview here



Ulver – The Assassination of Julius Caesar

Absolutely positive shock. This album was recommended to me by Fernando Ribeiro in our interview about his most favorite albums. As a fan of avant-garde and experimental projects as The Black Queen, I was immediately hooked. It was mainly a surprise, as I related Ulver mainly to its black metal beginnings. Their recent collaboration with Sunn O))), didn’t push me to expect anything different on their latest album either. However, when I first heard The Assassination of Julius Caesar, I was blown away by its combination of electronic ambience, avant-garde minimalism and what I can call synth pop. I do enjoy this album for number of weeks and I tend to discover more layers of genius here every time.



Robert Plant – Carry Fire

“Aging as Robert Plan”. That’s a motto which should be added into urban dictionary, if we look at a recent two decades in the solo career of legendary Led Zeppelin vocalist. Admiration for his early days is one thing, respect for a following phase while establishing a solo career is another, but honestly my most favorite phase started with Mighty ReArranger released in 2005. It was actually the first time being creative with his band “Strange Sensation” and they are supporting still, on the latest album Carry Fire, under a name The Sensational Space Shifters. El maestro is having brilliant buddies to watch is back and let his creativity flow to create another masterpiece together.



Direct Music Messages

King In The Belly: Australian – Brazilian rock band currently finalizing their debut album.  Their latest single Magic Town for some reason sounded to me as a combination of Blur’s track Coffee And TV and deep vocals of ex-Yugoslavian rock legend Bajaga. However, truly impressive was their epic track Behind, where the emotional aspect is more than believable. Good luck guys.



Respect The Elders

David Bowie – The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars

Still reading Lisa Robinson’s There Goes Gravity book…



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