In Ears – August 2017

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Monthly reviews for August 2017 include: Anathema, Mastodon, Chelsea Wolfe, Wolves In The Throne Room, John Frum, Alter Bridge, Myrkur, Laibach, Vallenfyre and Sade.


Anathema – Optimist

Since the release of We’re Here Because We’re Here in 2010, I became absolutely addict for their new music. Next to that, their were always on the top of my list of recommendations for people within rock and especially outside of rock scene. Their continuous progress into intelligent pop/rock has been appreciated but there is still huge amount of people on this planet, who have never heard their beautiful music. Their new album didn’t beat the previous three masterpieces in their discography, but I will keep spreading their music to the world. And you know, so far, everybody loved them!



Mastodon – Emperor of Sand

Mastodon are one of the rare securities on the music scene. Getting better every year and now serving their most melodic release ever. Might not said the best so far, but still heavy and bringing their unique atmosphere. Great musicianship as well. But please, be careful with rock/pop festivals. Czech festival Rock For People was really not for you guys…



Chelsea Wolfe – Hiss Spun

Just as I hoped, her creativity is getting darker, heavier but especially compact. Wait for yourselves, but I am so glad, there are no hits, which would be standing out. Hiss Spun works as a compact art collection, in the days, where most of us have time only for few singles.

Interview coming up soon



Wolves In The Throne Room – Thrice Woven

Wolves In The Throne Room were among the first bands, whose album I was reviewing within the so-far-single post Dark Ambient. Their album Celestite from 2014 absolutely blew me away, with their combination of melancholy and honest darkness. Even though, I am not typical fan of black metal, which received a bit more space this time, I love both aspects of their creativity.

Interview coming up soon



John Frum – A Stirring in the Noos

Dear death metal fans, I’m presenting you John Frum – new band of Liam Wilson (The Dillinger Escape Plan), Derek Rydquist (ex-The Faceless) and their buddies. I have used terms “new” and “buddies”, because this project’s debut has been developed for over six years and it has been written by a crew of friends, from Philadelphia. Friendly atmosphere resulted in insane rhythmic structure, where most the recording were taken mostly on the first try.

Extensive video with Liam Wilson coming soon



Semi – recommendation

Alter Bridge – Live and rarities

Don’t get me wrong for placing Alter Bridge in the end. You can never make a mistake with Alter Bridge. But to be honest, I have seen three times live in the past twelve months and I seriously need a brake from Alter Bridge. Their live show is always absolutely incredible and if I would have seen them three more, I would not have a problem with that. However, since I had such an intensive contact with the band, I’m sensitive to certain aspects of their show. Yes, it can never sound as good as live, but let say Myles’ phrasing in Blackbird always pulls the whole experience down. Same goes for bonus album Rarities, where there is a reason, why these songs didn’t make it on studio albums. Once again, don’t get me wrong, Alter Bridge belong to the best, you can get on the rock music market, but I was expecting a bit more…



Myrkur – Mareridt

Myrkur still excites me, as she shows unique combination of black metal and heavenly melodies. I always love to use example of Angelzoom (some love to say Enya) and Mayhem. New album with not beat her debut album M, early career EP Myrkur, nor live album Mausoleum, but it is a great input in her discography. Next to that, Chelsea Wolfe hosted on two tracks and Wolves In The Throne Room’s Aaron Weaver on drums in track Ulvinde.



Laibach – Also Sprach Zarathustra

Respect, but I don’t get it, to be honest. I am impressed by it’s atmosphere, arrangements but it places me in the weird mood. I guess it might suit certain moods of Rammstein fans.



Running music of the month

Vallenfyre – Fear Those Who Fear Him

Greg Mc of Paradise Lost is letting his darker side speak for the third time with Vallenfyre. Dealing with personal loss, social frustrations and remembering the good old days of death metal.


No Click

Dredg – The Pariah The Parrot The Delusion, Tuesday The Sky – Drift, Master’s Hammer – Vracejte konve na místo


Respect The Elders

Sade is never a wrong choice! Wait for breathtaking guitar solo of Ryan Waters.







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