In Ears – January 2018

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Monthly reviews for January 2018 include: Anna Von Hausswolff, White Wizzard, MOONS, Some Kind Of Illness, Mechanics and Patti Smith.


Anna Von Hausswolff – Dead Magic

I fell in love with Anna Von Hausswolff’s music with her debut album Singing From the Grave (2010), which became one of my ultimate favorites, to take my mind away from a miserable open space office noise. It might not be a portion, you can digest every day, but when the mood comes, the runaway trip is extremely strong. I feel ashamed, I skipped following her for a while and also didn’t manage to see her live in Prague. But I am paying it off right now, by finalizing an email interview with Anna and literally diving into her discography, including a new album Dead Magic and flowing in the atmosphere of her tracks for days. Compared to her older albums, the latest release brings us into even more darker dimensions. She builds on all of her acquired experiences and pushing whole package one level further, within the use of her strengths, vocal balance and length of tracks. Who knows, it might have been her recent cooperation with US black metal band Wolves In The Throne Room, which inspired her to write less, but more lengthy tracks, where she just let’s the mood of a song drive her, wherever it want’s to be lead. Offered road is darker and even more unpredictable, but incredibly beautiful.

Dead Magic album is coming out March 2nd 2018.

Interview coming soon



White Wizzard – Infernal Overdrive

American heavy metal band White Wizzard has become with their albums Over The Top (2010) and Flying Tigers (2011) one of my absolute favorites and practically “less known treasure for traditional heavy metal fans”. I recommended these two albums to number of friends, promoted them in my early days of online music journalism and really want to place these two albums on MC cassette to enjoy it while working around the house or car washing. It became a total addiction for their old school approach, incredible melodies and fascinating vocal. I might not have fully enjoyed final parts of each album, but main part of each album is simply breathtaking. Therefore, I was extremely excited to see they were releasing a new album with Wyatt (The Screaming Demon) Anderson again. Over couple of weeks, I was trying to beat early disappointment and find more and more miracle parts. However, their portion, compared to the first two albums, is unfortunately too small. They have experience and skills to write powerful and melodic songs, as well as to move between each song blocks with class. However, this time blocks are not powerful and transition not as natural, as they used to be. Wyatt might be getting older – whatever, but guitar solos are rather individual islands, than supporting team player. And finally, speed was always their power, but velocity was used this time not to excite, but to hide dry sections. In general, they still provide better product, then most of the market, but they didn’t reach the level of their earlier albums. Still, I wish them all the best, I am excited they play in a classic line-up and would love to see them live.



Direct Music Messages

MOONS – Songs of Wood & Fire

Brazilian atmospheric rock band. Their music is a relax space, where you can enjoy honest acoustical ride by just following gentle voice and instrumental background. Sweet, gentle ride on the cloud. They are from Brazil, but I feel so much British taste in there. I do also enjoy, music cloud on which you ride, is getting more and more grayish and avantgarde towards the end of the album.

For the fans of Radiohead and The Sundays



Some Kind Of Illness – Awakening

Manchester alternative indie band, from which you for some reason expect alternative rock, but you get alternative ambient electronic feast. It deserves adequate attention to understand it’s layers and music diversity. I believe the best comparison would be to the latest activities of Norwegian band Ulver. First of all because of the vocals, but also as the wild range of sound starts at fun synth pop but moves into adventurous avantgarde.


Mechanics – Fracasso EP

Brazilian veterans, that simply don’t give a shit about anything. They don’t care about a success or a reputation. Their priority is releasing their frustrations and energy in a mature package of punk, grunge and wild rock. Let’s destroy all open spaces offices together please.



Respect The Elders

This might be quite surprising mix of artists, but I still do enjoy memoirs of rock journalist Lisa Robinson – There Goes Gravity: A Life in Rock and Roll. In January, I was enjoying stories about young Michael Jackson, Patti Smith and John Lennon. I have chosen legendary Patti Smith’s legendary track Because The Night, as it includes legendary Czech (bass) guitarist Ivan Kral.




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