Music Discoveries – Dark Ambient 1

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If you feel the hunger for a new music, same as I do, you get to come across various unique pieces of music all the time. In this series, I will share time to time, some unique music discoveries. The amount of new music is so huge that it’s even hard to diggest. On the other hand, I covered great number of dark ambient records from bands as Amenra, Hail Spirit Noir, Moanaa, My Sleeping Karma, Winterfylleth etc. Here are some of tho most interesting ones. Btw Sunn O))) and black metal yoga is slightly higher level, which I’m not afraid to describe as work-in-progress.

Om – Advaitic Songs
It is amazing, how much can be created by just combining drums and full range of bass effects. Add a guest cello, violin and a spectrum of vocals, from manly sludgy to a womanly gentle and you will get Om. Specific topic on its own, is a work with oriental atmosphere, where in slow tempo pieces, compared to heavy doomish pieces, they work tastefully with Middle Eastern, Arabic or even Hindu folk/religious music. In order to make the mix even more broad, they placed a portrait of John the Baptist on the cover. Need more positive reviews? Check here.

“Why do people consider it depressive music?”


Chelsea Wolfe – Abyss

Really great discovery! I am aware, there is a legion of Chelsea suppo’ers, but seriously about a month ago, I never heard a bit from her heavy, dark beauty. I listen my ass off every day, since I was a teenager, but there is so much I haven’t heard yet and sometimes, I even freak out from the amounts of new music. I’m saving full discography of Pink Floyd for one summer vacation, but Chelsea Wolfe is so good for autumn, winter nights. Why do people consider it depressive music? It’s a cure for depression. You might feel miserable, but it’s just you in your small fucked world. Music floods the whole world in a compact, tasty shade, where you might feel even more scarred, but in general – safer.

Woods of Desolation – Torn Beyond Reason

Atmospheric black metal has absolutely unique characteristic. It may combine the heavenly beauties of post rock or ambient, mixed with the most mental, animalistic black metal straight from the Satan’s ass. I can imagine a scene from Big Lebowski with a flying carpet. All around, we can see a beautiful sunset, while on the carpet is sitting a sphere of compiled madness and anger. Btw, don’t worry. Hearing voices is fine…



Wolves In The Throne Room – Celestite
Atmospherical albums, such as this prove, you can incorporate any story, feeling and visuals into music and let your mind lead the way. Tip – try it on long train journey. Btw it was voted The Best Ambient / Drone Album Of 2014 by metal storm.

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