In Ears – February 2017

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February monthly reviews include: Royal Thunder, Crystal Fairy, Dimmu Borgir, Floex, Long Distance Calling, Michael Oakley, Emphasis, Norah Jones, Nirvana, The Thrash Blues, Fox Territory. …Where are all those sunny summer festivals?!



Royal Thunder – WICK

Royal Thunder’s new album is coming out in early April, but I have been enjoying this piece for few weeks already. To be honest, it made my day when I saw an email with a press download. I really like the band, since their debut album CVI (2012), but I absolutely fell in love with them, with Crooked Doors (2015), which was on the top of my 2015’s best of list. No bullshit: Royal Thunder are one of the best bands out there! As soon as it comes out, look for these two songs: Plans & Turnaround.

Interview coming up asap



Dimmu Borgir – Forces of the Northern Night (Live DVD)

I have been watching press stream of Dimmu Borgir’s upcoming DVD and I spoke to Silenoz. It resulted in two complete surprises: Quality of a stream from Nuclear Blast was a nightmare and video was stopping every three seconds on various devices. On the other hand, Silenoz was really cool and we even spoke about country (Devin Townsend’s Casualties Of Cool side project) and reggae music (Bob Marley’s kid’s projects).

Interview coming up in May



Floex – Samorost 3

Work of Czech music genius Tomáš Dvořák will always mean a lot to me. I got together with live of my life Anna, after his late-night-open-air summer show in Prague. Next to that, I was amazed, when Keshav Dhar, from one of my most favorite bands Skyharbor from India, told me he loves his work, whether it was Tomáš’s work with Floex or soundtracks for games as Machinarium. I really love these international connection and I must also say, I love Tomáš’s work and I really enjoyed playing Machinarium, including it’s well respected soundtrack. Same respect goes to latest game Samorost 3 and once again amazing soundtrack.



Crystal Fairy – Crystal Fairy

Usual question: Do you want great rock album? You just need to look at this list of members:

Members of the Melvins (Buzz Osborne and Dale Crover), At The Drive-In (Omar Rodriguez-Lopez) and Le Butcherettes (Teri Gender Bender) Enjoy!

Interview is coming up in May



Long Distance Calling – Satellite Bay

LDC are one of my most favorite post rock bands and they prove one general music point: “If you get to like some band – get their earlier albums too!” I remember discovering them with The Flood Inside (2013) and listening to that piece in my car for months. Even now, I love to get back to it, same as all their releases after it and shortly before. But I never went back to their first albums. Due to latest re-releases, I got a chance.

Interview coming up asap



Running Music of the month:

Michael Oakley – Rabbit In The Headlights

You know that feeling, when you discover a song, you could play 50 times in a row? Well that’s happening to me with a song Rabbit In The Headlights from Michael Oakley. It’s one of the three songs he has released so far, but it fits perfectly to my wildest 80’s pop tastes. Another example would be The Black Queen – Ice To Never. It’s so goddamn catchy soundtrack of a city night and I feel like in the movie, when I’m running with this song in my ears.



“No click”

Emphasis – Black Mother Earth

With my half ex-Yugo origin, I always love to check and support bands from ex-Yugoslavia region. Emphasis grabbed my attention, not only because they are Croatian, but also playing post rock. There are some truly interesting storytelling guitar moves, but adding harsh vocals to post rock is nothing for me. Why does Converge (vocals) and Neurosis (light version of their sound) comes to my head? Never mind, I wish them bright future anyway.


Direct music messages

In this section, I would like to give space to bands and musicians who write me directly and their music is worth checking:


The Thrash Blues – Wicked Man (Dirty bluesy fun – Oh my god, check that album cover ;D)


Fox Territory – Calm Fragrance (prog/math rock, jazz fusion with from Czech Republic. Nicely mature, tasty arrangements and non-pushy vocals on top)




Respect the elders:

As Norah Jones is coming this year to my hometown festival Colours Of Ostrava, I did enjoy her latest album Day Breaks.

Next to that, as we “celebrate” 50 years from the day Kurt Cobain was born, I spent few hours with Nirvana’s legendary live album Live in Reading.


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